I finally posted Avi's slides on Chromium's Out-of-Memory Killer, which he sent me shortly after his talk. Deep stuff.
Thanks very much to Mike Swan for the surprise donation of a raffle item, Core Data for iOS by Tim Isted and Tom Harrington. Mike was a technical reviewer for the book and decided to share one of his complimentary copies. It looks pretty good — I might get a copy myself. Congratulations to the raffle winner, and sorry for not getting your name in my rush to stuff my face with pizza. [UPDATE: As you can see in the comments, the winner was Gabe Ghearing.]
Speaking of which, I highly recommend the "freak pizza" that Ed and I shared at Patsy's, so-called because (horror of horrors) we requested that they leave off the cheese. With their good sauce and crust, and the fresh veggie toppings, I didn't miss the cheese at all. In fact, that might have been the best pizza I've had there.
Someone mentioned an "Xcode WTF" Tumblr stream. It's here.
If I'm forgetting something that came up, feel free to chime in here.
I hope to see you all next month, when our guest will be Greg Casamento, lead developer on the GNUstep project. Details to follow.
P.S. Ed has permanently booked the big room ("Bakerfield") that we used for the last two meetings. See the Meeting page for directions.
I was the winner of the "Core Data for iOS" raffle prize. I've never had a project that was a great fit for core data(either trivially little data to save, or data that was tabular in nature). Looking forward to diving into it more.Great meetup and excellent pizza; thanks to everyone who put the event on!
Thanks, Gabe. I feel much better knowing who you are!