March 2012 – Samuel and Bob

We had two speakers at the March meeting.

Samuel talked about refactoring. You can click this link for a PDF of his slides, or you can view them embedded below:

**[JavaScript is required for the embedded viewer.]**

Related links:

  • Objc_dep, a tool that generates a diagram of class dependencies.
  • AppCode, which Samuel mentioned his company uses to help with refactoring.
  • SOLID, a set of basic principles for object-oriented programming.

Bob talked about quirky edge cases in ARC, the kind of subtle stuff that could drive you crazy, especially if you've written a book about Objective-C. You can click this link for a PDF of Bob's slides, or you can view them embedded below:

**[JavaScript is required for the embedded viewer.]**

[UPDATE: Uploaded Bob's slides to SpeakerDeck so you can view them embedded like Samuel's. I'd never heard of SpeakerDeck until Samuel posted his link to the mailing list. Pretty cool.]

One thought on “March 2012 – Samuel and Bob

  1. Pingback: Liking SpeakerDeck | Notes From Andy

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