January 12th: Blake Robinson, with Lessons Learned with the Bloom Fertility app

Hello and Happy New Year!

This Thursday, Blake Robinson will share a few lessons he's learned when working on the Bloom Fertility App. He's got a couple of tips for working with StackViews, and criteria for when to use custom controls and when not to. Also, he'll share why NSCoding made sense for his app and how it might work well for you, too.

Join us at 6:30 at Google on the 9th avenue entrance side, 4th Floor (details here). If you aren't sure how to get in, or have trouble at the security desk, email me (npodrazik @ gmail) and I'll come down and help you.  Zia Maria's is for dinner afterward!



By the way, if you have not filled out the 2017 NYC CocoaHeads Wishlist survey, please do! This helps me find speakers on topics that we actively want to learn about and prod a few local experts to share what they know.


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