March 9th: Triple Header!

Because of last month's snow, we will have not one — not two — but THREE speakers on March 9th!

  1. Nina Baculinao is going to give a talk about using Snapshot Testing at Hopscotch.
  2. Vadim Komisarchik will share his experiences with React Native in Swift
  3. Frank Courville (visiting from Montreal!) will share how he uses NSOperations to supercharge his apps.

Each talk is slated for less than 20 minutes so we're going to try to begin at 6:30 and leave for pizza no later than 7:45.

We'll begin 6:30pm at Google. Enter on the 9th Avenue side of the building (entrance is close to Starbucks), check in with Security, and head to the 4th floor. We'll meet you at the elevators from there.

Afterward, pizza at Zia Maria's, on 23rd between 7th and 8th, until we find something we like more!

February 9th [CANCELLED due to snow]: Nina Baculinao on Snapshot Testing & Vadim Komisarchik on React Native

Join us on Thursday, February 9th for a double-header: Nina Baculinao is going to give a talk about using Snapshot Testing at Hopscotch, and Vadim Komisarchik will share his experiences with React Native in Swift!

Bring a friend and join us (promptly!) at 6:30pm at Google. Enter on the 9th Avenue side of the building (entrance is close to Starbucks), check in with Security, and head to the 4th floor. We'll meet you at the elevators from there.

Afterward, it's pizza at Zia Maria's, on 23rd between 7th and 8th, as usual.

Update 2/9/17

This month's meeting of CocoaHeads has been cancelled due to inclement weather. Both Nina and Vadim have agreed to give their talks next month on March 9th, so we will have a whopping three presentations that evening. Don't miss it!

January 12th: Blake Robinson, with Lessons Learned with the Bloom Fertility app

Hello and Happy New Year!

This Thursday, Blake Robinson will share a few lessons he's learned when working on the Bloom Fertility App. He's got a couple of tips for working with StackViews, and criteria for when to use custom controls and when not to. Also, he'll share why NSCoding made sense for his app and how it might work well for you, too.

Join us at 6:30 at Google on the 9th avenue entrance side, 4th Floor (details here). If you aren't sure how to get in, or have trouble at the security desk, email me (npodrazik @ gmail) and I'll come down and help you.  Zia Maria's is for dinner afterward!



By the way, if you have not filled out the 2017 NYC CocoaHeads Wishlist survey, please do! This helps me find speakers on topics that we actively want to learn about and prod a few local experts to share what they know.


November 10th: Making Meetup 6.0 with Paul Bruneau & Matthew Bischoff

Join us on Thursday, November 10th at 6:30 at Google for CocoaHeads NYC!

This month, Paul Bruneau and Matthew Bischoff will talk about "Making Meetup 6.0". They'll walk us through the architecture underlying the new Meetup iOS app, rewritten entirely in Swift, as well as how they employed view models, protocols, generics, unit tests, and other patterns to build an app that's fun to work on and easy to change.

Paul joins us from Meetup and Matt is from Lickability. They're both long time members and friends of CocoaHeads and I'm so excited to hear what they've been working on.


It's at Google on the 9th Avenue side at 6:30. Use your cellular service to reach out to me, Natalie, at 410_570_1555, in case you have trouble getting in.

And we'll head back to Zia Maria since we've been having pretty good luck there.

October 13th: Sam Jarman on Push Notifications

Happy month of the Pumpkin, CocoaHeads! Join us Thursday, October 13th at 6:30 at Google for Codetoberfest our monthly meetup.

This week, we welcome visiting developer Sam Jarman. He's going to talk about one of my most favorite subjects: Push Notifications.

We'll be at Google on the 9th Avenue Side. I'll prepare the security team a little bit in advance of 6:30 that our group is coming, so, if you don't see any familiar faces at the entrance, I'll look for our group on 4 just outside the Elevators. You can also send me a good ol'-fashioned text message: 410 570 1555.


Afterward, we'll head to Zia Maria, formerly known as Patsy's, since we've had luck there for the past few months.

September 8: Demitri Muna, Orta Therox, and Natalie Podrazik for Demo Night

Fall is here and so are we! CocoaHeads NYC is meeting this Thursday, September 8, at Google at 6:30. Join us for a few shorter talks and demos:

  1. Demitri Muna on building an Infinite Grid View on the Mac
  2. Orta Therox with a demo
  3. Natalie Podrazik (me!) with a BodyTalk demo, full of iOS 10 & watchOS 3 goodies

Remember to arrive a little before 6:30 to get through the security on the 9th Avenue side. This may change in the future but for now, it's our usual deal.

Afterward, join us for pizza! We're heading back to 23rd Street, between 8th and 9th to a place called Zia Maria, which is the Place Formerly Known as Patsy's.


This Thursday, July 7th: Brian Papa from theSkimm, hosted by eBay

Join us this Thursday, July 7th at 7pm, for our Cocoaheads meetup!1 Our host this month is eBay, who has generously offered us pizza and beer in their beautiful Studio space (right above the Container Store on 6th Ave).

Our speaker this month is longtime Cocoaheads member Brian Papa! Brian works for The Skimm, a newsletter-based media company that has over a million and a half subscribers. When TheSkimm's app launched in April, it had over 1000 reviews in a week (!) and several of my friends told me how excited they were to buy a subscription. I personally know how big of a deal it is for users to fork over an in-app purchase for a recurring subscription, so, I have no doubt Brian's going to share a couple of interesting points he's learned.

eBay Studio
625 Avenue of Americas (6th Ave, between 18th and 19th), 3rd Floor


Heads up: Next Month

I am searching for a speaker for next month's meetup on August 11th. Let me know if you're interested!  If I don't find a speaker, we might skip August and resume our regularly scheduled program for September.  I'll let you know well in advance either way.



Yes, this breaks the second Thursday of each month rhythm. I booked a vacation for next week. Apologies!

[Venue Change: Code & Theory] June 9th with Don Coleman about Bluetooth

Happy June, CocoaHeads! We're only one week away from WWDC, we have an excellent speaker planned, and we've got a venue change for this month's meeting.

Don Coleman joins us from Philadelphia, and he's been doing a lot of work with Bluetooth Low Energy. He's a seasoned veteran on the subject, and he's given numerous talks about it!  Thursday, he'll share a few things he's learned from his experiences with Arduinos, iBeacons, and lots more.

We will not be meeting at Google this month. Code & Theory has offered to host us on June 9th at 6:30:

Code & Theory 575 Broadway, 5th Floor New York, NY 10012

They've also very graciously offered to buy us pizza, so, we won't be going out to dinner afterward. Please plan to arrive promptly at 6:30 so we can get our talk in and grab a slice and pontificate about the future Apple will bring us next week.
